You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2009.

Fun with blog stats! Here are a few of the search terms that have brought eyeballs to my blog. I’ve arranged them in poetry form for you. If I was able to figure out the link, I added that, too. Enjoy!

poems to tell people you hate them 
turkey-baster baby
the field of freaky flowers
I stepped on a slug barefoot, what can happen
why ball-point pens use blue ink?  
best place on earth 
sleeping with phone in hand
defination of photography from authors 
how to write christmas on a cake
dog with floppy ears
mrs. carla my first sex teacher
Sexy fiction woman
what do ear wigg do to you
Whatever happened to peacock blue ink?
why use clairefontaine 
madeleine stowe  
the day you were born 
vanity plates suzanne
Ribsy quizzes 
I want to meet and marry a pilot 
empress of the north blog 
cake face 
spotted dick
parachute pants
what dose the snowglobe stand for  
jealousy like ink in milk quote alice monroe 
funny bird cartoons, poop 
a naked man swimming
how to 300dpi
michelangelo appropriation
love photography
picture of parachute pants
mysterious things


poems to tell people you hate them

"love photography"

"love photography"

turkey-baster baby

the field of freaky flowers

I stepped on a slug barefoot, what can happen

why ball-point pens use blue ink?  

best place on earth 

sleeping with phone in hand

mrs. carla my first sex teacher

 defination of photography from authors 

how to write christmas on a cake

dog with floppy ears

Sexy fiction woman

what do ear wigg do to you

Whatever happened to peacock blue ink?

why use clairefontaine 


madeleine stowe  

the day you were born 

vanity plates suzanne

Ribsy quizzes 

I want to meet and marry a pilot 

empress of the north blog 

cake face 

spotted dick

parachute pants

what dose the snowglobe stand for  

jealousy like ink in milk quote alice munro 

funny bird cartoons, poop 

a naked man swimming

how to 300dpi

michelangelo appropriation

love photography


mysterious things

…and not leap to your feet! 

This video was made in the Antwerp , Belgium Central (train) Station. 

How the heck did they do it?


29 May 1954

29 May 1954


still smiling 55 years later

still smiling 55 years later

I get some crazy recognition errors when I dictate my handwritten draft into the computer with Dragon Naturally Speaking. This video is a perfect example of … well, see for yourself:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Barkis v. bubbles“, posted with vodpod



So the counselor at Ivers J. Norton Elementary School wrote to me about the school’s 100th anniversary celebration. Today, they’re honoring former staff members at the school in a small town in Western New York. I was asked to share some of my memories of the school, which I attended in the late ’60s. Here are a few:

We lived at 502 West Henley, kitty corner from the school. Some of my teachers were Mrs. Ellen Blessing, Mrs. Geuder and Mr. Schwabenbauer. Mrs. Mazza was the gym teacher.
The library was amazing to me, and one year, I read one biography from every letter of the alphabet. I also devoured the “Betsy-Tacy” books by Maude Hart Lovelace, Beverly Cleary books and pretty much everything else I could get my hands on. Mrs. Geuder (5th grade) was a great reader and read aloud to us every day–Caddie Woodlawn, Harriet the Spy, Tom’s Midnight Garden, Big Tree are some I still remember. Later, when I became a 5th grade teacher, I read to my students every day too.
When I was in Mr. Schwabenbauer’s class, I wrote my first piece of long fiction. The assignment was to write a story about a natural disaster. I remember considering a glacier but he suggested I go with something like a flood or forest fire. I filled an entire theme book with my story. I’m sure it was awful but he gave me an A.
When I was in third grade, I climbed over a chain-link fence in the back schoolyard, ripped open my arm and had to get stitches.
We moved away from Olean in the 1970s and enrolled in schools overseas. People told our parents we might be “behind” in the competitive private schools in Brussels and Paris, but this was definitely not the case! Olean schools prepared us well.
I’m currently a novelist with more than forty books published, including numerous bestsellers. My series of books known as the Lakeshore Chronicles take place in upstate New York, and feature a fictional town that has a lot of features in common with Olean!
What was your grade school like? How did it shape you into who you are today?
my alma mater

my alma mater

Banker rescues ducklings! Adorable news video!

What do the following have in common: a TV star, a porn star, the IMAP creator, an Olympic medalist, a Nirvana drummer…and moi?

Barkis trying to hypnotize me into taking him for a hike:

Elizabeth’s mother-in-law-to-be threw her a stunning surprise shower.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "forecast: surprise shower", posted with vodpod

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May 2009